first reference to Ruth Benedict that I had ever come across was
within John Dower's excellent book
on World War II propaganda, War
without Mercy.
Ruth Benedict is mentioned as part of the American academic
effort to study and understand their wartime antagonist. Dower identifies Benedict as a
moderate voice, whose
pamphlet Races of
was attacked by the US Army as 'Communist Propaganda'
to its questioning of discrimination against African-Americansi.
Considering this
context, The
Chrysanthemum and the Sword
was, in all likelihood, meant as a progressive rather than racist
text. This does not, however, prevent several elements from being
extremely striking to the modern reader.
the most interesting part of Benedict's work is not her analysis of
the Japanese (of which this reader has very little ability to
critique) but rather her brief, confident statements about American
values. For instance, in contrast to the Japanese focus on hierarchy,
writes that “Equality is the highest, most moral American basis for
hopes of a better world... we fight hierarchy with a righteous
Such sentiments
might have formed the basis for Benedict's personal values, but much
less so for her country as a whole; the African-American population
of the 1940's would heartily disagree that they lived in a country
based on 'equality'.
Benedict critiques Japanese wartime strategy.
She announces that the Japanese went to war on a fundamentally
different basis than their western counterparts, fighting to
a preferred international hierarchy where Japan was destined to rule
Such a statement ignores America's own fixation with 'Manifest
Destiny'. Benedict correctly points to atrocities carried out by
Japanese soldiers against Allied Prisoners-of-War and Japanese
military's contempt for surrender without realizing that – as shown
by Dower five decades hence – that there were incidences of her
countrymen showing a similar disdain for enemy prisonersiv.
The Chrysanthemum
and the Sword,
seeks to understand the Japanese, “the most
alien enemy the United States had ever fought”v.
In framing the comparison between two utterly dissimilar cultures,
Benedict implicitly makes a statement about her own country. By
comparing it with a totally alien other, a particular vision of the
United States can be manufactured, one that is secular, rational and
moral through-and-through. Yet the Japanese do
not suffer from the comparison either. Benedict, as mentioned, was
not a virulent racist and as related in the Ryang paper, seemed to
sympathize with post-war Japan. The Japan described by the book is
made to appear strange to the western eye, but it is not weak; the
Japanese are shown to be obedient, fanatical and seemingly incapable
of internal dissent. If Japan was America's most 'alien' enemy, then
it was also – perhaps by that virtue – also it's most worthy
is the possibilities for positive interpretations of Japanese
'uniqueness' that Ryang points to while
evaluating Benedict's continuing relevance in Japan itself.
Benedict's narrative plays into the hands of the Japanese right,
Ryang argues, by emphasizing the Japanese as a uniform whole,
glossing over separate ethnicities and the imperialist oppression of
other nationalities. Ryang
complains that there is no place in Benedict's book for the conquered
people of the Japanese Empire; one might add that there is little
discussion of economic disparity or class antagonism. It
is this reduction to homogeneity that secures Benedict's fame; by
establishing America and Japan as diametrically opposed, uniform
entities, each embodying a set of cultural and moral values, the
partisans of both nations are satisfiedvi.
is important to keep in mind Benedict's historical context, as well
as the research difficulties that she faced in wartime, before one
levels any judgements. There is no malice in Benedict's writing, but
The Chrysanthemum
and the Sword is
definitely an orientalist narrative,
one that produces a sort of 'feel-good narrative' which reinforces
the preconceptions of difference held by both American and Japanese
Dower, War Without Mercy:
Race & Power in the Pacific War
(New York, Pantheon Books: 1993) 119-20
Benedict, The Chrysanthemum
and the Sword (Cambridge,
Riverside Press: 1946) 45
John. "Ruth Benedict's Legacy of Shame: Orientalism and
Occidentalism in the Study of Japan." Asian Journal Of
Social Science 29, no. 2 (July 2001): 249. SocINDEX with Full
Text, EBSCOhost (accessed September 11, 2013). 257
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